Day 20 – 21 of #Whole30 – What the preggers?!

You know how last time I talked about how eating well generally makes you feel good?

Well, I don’t know what was in my dinner last night, but somehow I ended up with a distended stomach. I seriously got home, looked in the mirror, and thought I looked like I could be near the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. It was terrifying! I didn’t feel ill or anything; no bloating feelings, nothing. This morning I woke up and my belly was back to normal–even flatter than usual since I got in my Pole workout this week (yay!). Strange? You bet your bottom.

My friend and I went out to dinner last night to one of my favorite restaurants in Salt Lake City–The Copper Onion. The food is local, fresh and it’s all delicious. I eyeballed their Cast Iron Mary’s Chicken, which came with sweet potatoes, olives and kale. Our server informed us that the chicken is organic, free range, no antibiotics, and basically everything that makes it a gold star food when it comes to the Whole30. I requested that they cook it without butter and wine, and they happily obliged (though the guy who brought us the food made a little joke saying “extra butter and extra wine”… I wanted to slap him because that’s so not funny right now). And it was divine! The chicken was absolutely perfect, even the bones didn’t bother me. And the sweet potatoes tasted really nice (wish they gave me more of those!). Any restaurant that can get me to eat olives is definitely a good one. The mushroom side we ordered was good too, but there was nothing in it that could have triggered the stomach to bloat that bad.

Now I don’t know what caused the whole pregger stomach and what I should avoid to have that not happen again. Weird right? What did I do wrong? :S

Other than that little mishap, things are great! I’m feeling good, though my sleep is lacking since I haven’t been getting to bed until midnight. Early night for me tonight for sure. I’m also sore from my workouts that I was able to get in on Sunday and Monday. I haven’t been able to workout as much as I would like since rehearsal and work take up so much time, so it was nice. Now I just hurt, haha. It’s a good ouch, but it still hurts!

What’s the strangest reaction you’ve ever had to food? Do you know what caused it? 

Day 16 of the #Whole30 – Focus!

Focus on the door, Otis, focus on the door!

I feel like no one ever gets my Bill Engvall reference whenever I say that. But then again, I’m not entirely sure what he’s supposed to be referencing there…

Anyways! I just realized that in the past week, when I really focus on something, I am like Edward Scissorhands chopping up those bushes into animals. I get stuff done fast! Well, it’s not like I don’t usually get stuff done, but now I just whiz right through my tasks. I’m finishing books faster, my work projects quicker, picking up choreography at play practice super fast. So when the time comes when I have nothing to focus on, I actually feel my brain fly the coop until the next thing comes along. It’s weird… Positive side effect of the Whole30? No idea. And I’m not sure how I feel about it. Good thing on the productivity side though.

  • Breakfast: 2 egg omelet with pico de gallo, coffee with almond milk
  • Lunch: spinach, shredded carrots, canned pre-cooked chicken, strawberry balsamic (soooo good!)
  • Snack: almonds
  • Dinner: Zupas nuts about berries salad, no dressing, with a small bit of chicken… Such a rip off, btw

How I feel:
Over all, very well! Feeling good for the most part. My sinus infection is practically gone; I just have the phlegmy cough left to fight off and my voice is workable so I can be ready for my Les Mis audition tomorrow! So excited. Skin is dry since I’ve been walking outside more the past couple days though. It’s too stinking cold and dry. Looking forward to cooking a meal for two tomorrow! :)

Nighty night!

Day 14 & 15 of Whole30 – Halfway through!

Somehow I missed the boat that lentils were legumes and now I feel really bad. You know that soup I thought was Whole30 compliant? Not so much. It was a lentil soup. Because of the sinus infection, I only bought two cans–one eaten Monday, the other last night. These aren’t Whole30 friendly! And I didn’t realize it!


However, when I assessed how I felt after. I didn’t feel bloated, but I did feel comfortably full. I was stunned a soup could do that. My energy hasn’t changed or anything. I don’t think it made much of a difference… so I don’t have to start over, do I? Thoughts?

On Monday though, while catching up on my favorite shows on my iPad, I used the 90 second commercial breaks to punch out some pushups and bicycle crunches. Since I haven’t worked out in ages, I expected to be sore. Nope. Absolutely nada soreness. Thanks to Whole 30? I think so!

And sleeping… oh my gosh. It doesn’t matter if I go to bed at 10 or 12; when my Sleep Cycle alarm rouses me (best alarm app ever!) I’ve been tempted to press the green smiley icon for “how I feel.” Then I think to myself, no, I want more sleep… but my body refuses to listen! As soon as those pretty tones wake me up, I’m up. It both sucks and is awesome–it’s weird. And my sleep quality percent is consistently high now too. (You can check out Sleep Cycle here… you’ll love it, too, I promise!)

So I guess I’m seeing some cool positive side effects already from doing the Whole30! I’m down with that.

Day 14 meals

  • Breakfast: 3 egg omelet with red bell peppers
  • Lunch: apple, spinach, shredded carrots, topped with garlic beef I made at my friend’s over the weekend (delish btw)
  • Snack: cashews
  • Dinner: that not-so Whole30 compliant soup and a tablespoon of almond butter, Lara Bar for treat

Day 15 meals

  • Breakfast: 2 hardboiled eggs and an apple
  • Lunch: Cafe Rio tortilla-free tostada chicken salad with only guacamole and pico
  • Dinner: lamb, red bell pepper and sweet potato topped with coconut oil
  • Late night snack: almond butter… What? I get hungry right before bed!

Oh, and I can flip an omelet on a pan without it flying away from me. Master cook in training!

So things are starting to look up! Yay! :)